Corsica-Classic, régates de yacht tradition et vieux voiliers autour de la Corse

Corsica Classic's Environemental project

At a time when it is more urgent than ever to raise awareness and act in favor of water reserves on Earth, the Corsica Classic sets up on the regatta waste collection operations at sea in partnership with Corsica Blue Project x Water Familly x Oceanoplastic x Port of Saint-Florent

At a time when it is more urgent than ever to raise awareness and act in favor of water reserves on Earth, the Corsica Classic puts on the run a pollution trawl loaned by Océanoplastic in order to clean up the Mediterranean Sea and raise awareness of the phenomenon with the general public on the port of Saint-Florent. 

This cleaning operation of the Mediterranean will be set up between Bastia, Macinaggio and Saint-Florent, off the Cap Corse Marine Park and Agriates. An awareness stand will be set up in Saint-Florent to make the issues better understood by the general public. Thanks to Patrick Fabvre, director of Océanoplastic, the Corsican Blue Project association, the port of Saint-Florent and the Water Family association, all this data will be transmitted to the Marine Park in order to optimize their studies.

Corsica Classic's Environemental project
The Corsican Blue Project association, supported by the ADEC, is also working on the design of an innovative vessel for the permanent watch of the island coasts. // @corsicanblueproject

SY Pacha x CCY x Imperia vela d Epoca photo Antoine Beyssens  (12)
SY Elysion of Blue photo DR
CC 2022 Ajaccio Propriano Photo Thibaud Assante DR (184)
CC 2022 Ajaccio trophée de la Ville IRC SY Mister Fips photo Aja DR
PP 2023 photo Arnaud Guilbert DR (92)
PP 2023 photo Arnaud Guilbert DR (37)
SY Hiti Dufour 485 Gd Large x CCY Ajaccio x Port Charles Ornano (24)
YCF diner Neptune samedi 3 decembre 2022 photo Arnaud Guilbert DR (19)
SY Cambria RR 2022 photo Thibaud Assante DR (574)
SY Cambria Imperia 2022 photo Thibaud Assante x James Robinson Taylor (111)
MY Callista RN 2022 photo Thibaud Assante
MY Callista RN 2022 photo Thibaud Assante DR